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Bruins Montgomery Takes Accountability After Another Listless Start

Boston Bruins News: Montgomery Takes Blame for Slow Starts

Bruins' Montgomery Takes Accountability After Another Listless Start

After a disappointing loss, Boston Bruins head coach Jim Montgomery has taken responsibility for his team's poor starts to games.

Bruins Head Coach Owns Team's Lackluster Starts

Following a heated game with plenty of physical altercations, Montgomery acknowledged that his players have not been sharp enough in the opening minutes of recent contests. "I'm the head coach, and I'm responsible for our slow starts," Montgomery said. "We need to be better prepared and mentally focused right from the puck drop."

The Bruins have struggled to generate early momentum, often finding themselves trailing within the first few minutes of games. Montgomery has emphasized the importance of finding a way to match the intensity of their opponents from the outset.
